About Us

we are company founded to reflect a youth vision that aims to create a society with sustainable development goals by taking advantage of the country’s bounties , to help meet the challenges of providing electricity by using solar energy .
SDC is committed to promoting energy independence with the installation of solar electric systems in our local communities .
We take exceptional pride in all our work from preliminary design through permitting , installation , final inspection and interconnection with the utility company .

Residential Systems

On – grid : Households could opt for an on – grid system where the power is generated during
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Solar water pumping can provide significant environmental social and Economic benefits at farm and national levels .
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In telecommunication we used PV system ( photovoltaics ) for powering signal booster towers .
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( photovoltaics ) can be applied to a wide range of applications ; most important ones include irrigation
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Solar Pivot Irrigation System

Center pivot irrigation also called water wheel and circle irrigation is a method.
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Our Projects

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